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On Sunday 15 August 2004 23:36, Michael Roth wrote:
> Lunit Release 0.1 (alpha)

It seems like unit-testing is hot, since I just wrote one unit testing 
framework for lua last week-end too.

Mine is available at:

I started from the published:

and added many improvements in the spirit of the python unittest library (in 
my opinion, the best unit testing framework).

luaunit and lunit do mostly the same thing. luanit does not have many 
assert_xxx functions but they are easy to emulate with assertEquals. 
Typically: assert_string(s) -> assertEquals( type(s), 'string' )

On the other side, luaunit can select which test to run from the command 

All in all, differences look minor so we should just focus on the good news: 

==>    Writing unit tests in lua has never been so easy, with two unit 
testing framework available    <==



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