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The Doctor wrote:
> though that vision I had of a means to address any part of
> the 25 by 80 characters of a DOS window, and a means to
> prompt for user input, echoed to screen,  while the program
> runs, and even a bit of colour use in the output to screen,
> would make an awesome means for fast development in Windows.

That "DOS" window is the Win32 console. It's not restricted to
25 x 80 -- you could have console that's 10000 x 10000

Anyway, I added my console library to lua2exe for you, so you
can move the cursor around, set colors, etc. I included a
version of Life that uses it.

You can still only attatch one script, and all the libraries
are built-in. I might work up a more general solution this
weekend -- a generic 'packer' that accepts an arbitrary list
of files and a command line to execute, and outputs a
standalone executable. That executable (the 'unpacker') simply
dumps the files into a temp directory and issues your command
line. You could create a standalone executable from any
version of Lua with any number of scripts, DLLs, and/or
resource files included.
