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Nick Trout wrote:
> If I have a list of functions to register in C this amounts to something
> _like_:
> // C
> Lua_function_info fns[] = {
> 	{ "ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptive1", myFnCallback1 },
> 	{ "ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptive2", myFnCallback2 },
> 	{ "ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptive3", myFnCallback3 },
> 	{ "ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptive4", myFnCallback4 },
> 	{ "ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptiveN", myFnCallbackN },
> 	{ 0, 0 }
> };
> lua_register_list(fns);
> So we end up with duplicate copies of all those strings (because Lua
> copies the function name) and closures around the C functions (32 bytes
> each). I can't register these as local variables (so they're indexed) so
> I can't get the space back. (Perhaps I could somehow register them
> through the debug library?)

/* C side */
gimme_funcs(lua_State *L)
    lua_pushcfunction(L, myFnCallback1);
    lua_pushcfunction(L, myFnCallback2);
    lua_pushcfunction(L, myFnCallback3);
    lua_pushcfunction(L, myFnCallback4);
    lua_pushcfunction(L, myFnCallbackN);
    return 5;
    lua_register(L, "gimme_funcs", gimme_funcs);

-- lua side

  ThisFunctionNameIsVeryDescriptiveN = gimme_funcs()

But don't forget to strip debug infos...

Ciao, ET.