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On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 01:15:22PM -0700, George Warner wrote:
> Nope. All the changes are flattened into one revision so that when we diff
> the production builds we only see what actually changed between those two
> builds. All the original individual check in/out comment(s) are compressed
> into a single note. Nothing is lost except anything that was changed again
> before the final production build. The "final" change is the one that
> counts. This works extremely well for us because it eliminates a lot of the
> "noise". Also, since all check in's have to include a bug # we can always
> refer to the bug database to read detailed info about any bug fixes that
> actually ship (as opposed to bug fixes that get eliminated by a re-write).
> This has proven to seriously raise the "signal to noise" ratio of CVS.

And... you didn't at least back up the repository before doing this...?

-- Jamie Webb