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On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 11:58:37PM -0800, Quinn Tyler Jackson wrote:

>      print((function(y) return y+10; end) (10));
> Is there a reason the () around the function object are required? To put it
> another way -- what is the precedence of function() end in relation to the
> call operator?

LOL, you're finding some good ones today.

I don't actually recall seeing a grammar diagram nor BNF for Lua anywhere.

Btw, did my post about $-grammars make any sense at all?  I wasn't at the
Grammar Forge site for long, just scanned some docs and diagrams briefly.

Rich Artym.
Existing media are so disconnected from reality that our policy debates
spin around a fantasy world in which the future looks far too much like
the past.