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On Tuesday 14 December 2004 11:16 am, Tomas wrote:
> > what i propose is: just before checking for the
> > luaPage file, check a table, if there's a function associated with that
> > URL, call it instead of loading the luaPage.  if there's not, load it. 
> > simple, lightweight, fast.
>  You can build a script that does this.

yep, but it would be far more efficient to do it before loading any external 
script.   unless it's already doing some cache... a simple weak table would 
be roughly equivalent to what i propose

> > not one process per user, just a coroutine.  the 'getevent()' function
> > would do a yield, and the RPC would take a session id and retrieve the
> > coroutine to resume.
>  Therefore you'll only respond one request at a time!  And
> you'll have to manage this shared global environment amongst all
> coroutines.

right, that's the limitation of non-preemptive multitasking; but if every 
event is managed on sub-second times, it wouldn't be noticeable for a medium 
group of users.  for wide scalability, fastCGI with SA could help

about the shared global environment, would that be too messy?  i liked that 
part on the lua reference where says "Q: how do i avoid.. ?  A: if you don't 
want to do something, just don't, Lua doesn't have protection mechanisms" (or 
something similar)


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