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Hi all,

LuaSocket 2.0 beta 3 is now available for download from

What's New

The big change for the 2.0 (beta3) release was the adoption of the Lua
5.1 package proposal. There were several bug fixes too (a beta is a
beta, is a beta).

    * New compat-5.1 distribution:
      - Instalation uses new directory structure;
      - Namespace hierarchy is in now back in use (ex. socket.url instead
        of url);
      - All modules call require even for standard libraries;
    * LTN12 avoids coroutines (so you can go wild on the C side);
    * wasn't calling tm_markstart;
    * Kludge on wsocket.c:sock_send for Windows timeout issue moved to
      buffer.c:sendraw so it's not a kludge anymore;
    * socket.protect only catches errors thrown by socket.try;
    * Fixed udp:sendto to call sock_sendto instead of sock_send;
    * close wasn't returning 1!
    * socket.gettime returns time since Unix Epoch 1/1/1970 (UTC)
    * socket.sleep is robust to interrupts;
    * http.PROXY wasn't working.
    * fixed some of the examples

Please try to find bugs so I can fix them and release a final version
before Roberto releases Lua 5.1. :)

Ho ho ho,