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On 29-Jan-05, at 3:46 PM, skaller wrote:

*** writing a parser in Lua will not be easy,
it isn't particularly well suited to that.

Perhaps not, but I managed to do it, at least. It's available
on LuaForge, and I really have to get around to rewriting it :(

I think you are using the word "ambiguity" when you
mean something else, possibly "shift-reduce conflict".

There is one ambiguity in the Lua grammar, which was
introduced in Lua 5.0; a simple example of it is:


which could be one or two function-call statements. In
general, statements which can end with expressions suffer
from this ambiguity. I would guess that it would be
diagnosed as a shift-reduce conflict involving the production

  functioncall -> prefixexp args

Technically, this is not an ambiguity; it is resolved in
favour of making the expression as long as possible.
There is a straight-forward grammar transformation which can
express this condition, although it is a bit tedious; it
is unnecessary since LALR parser generators like yacc will
normally resolve shift-reduce conflicts in favour of shift.

Lua also bans functioncalls in which a new-line intervenes
between the function expression and the argument list.
(My parser doesn't handle this case, but it could be accomplished
by having the lexer mark the difference between a '(' which
is the first token in a line and a '(' which is not.)

The grammar as printed in the reference manual has two additional
ambiguities. First, it does not reflect operator precedence rules
(the grammar transformation to deal with this is well-known, and
I don't think it adds to the readability of grammars; again, parser
generators like yacc will accept operator precedence declarations
which are, imho, more readable than writing out a rule for each
precedence set).

Second, it does not reflect the fact that return (and break)
statements can only occur at the end of a chunk; if this were
not the case then

  return a()

would also be ambiguous. (It is interesting that the return
statement is the only Lua statement which can end with an
optional expression.)

It would have been more accurate to have written:

  <chunk> -> { <stat> [;] } [ <final-stat> [;] ]
  <final-stat> -> return [ <explist1> ]
                | break
  <stat> -> -- everything except return and break --

I think this would be useful to put in the printed grammar, and
this relatively simple change would probably remove one of the
ambiguities being detected by your parser.

There are some additional ambiguities in the lexical rules,
which is a suprisingly common occurrence. These are uniformly
resolved with the normal "greedy lex" algorithm except for the
lexing of numbers; a strict greedy lexer would resolve
as four tokens and
as two tokens. The Lua lexer generates lexical errors in both
cases. (Curiously, A=4E=7 is a lexical error whereas A=4F=7 is
two assignment statements. Personally, I would have gone for
making them both lexical errors, but that's just me.)

Of course, Lua is not as simple to parse as Forth, Scheme or
Smalltalk; on the other hand, it is much simpler than Perl,
Python or C. It can easily be parsed with the combination of
a recursive descent statement parser and an operator precedence
expression parser, except for the slight annoyance of table
constructors which require an additional lookahead token to
distinguish between {a = 3}  and  {a + 3}.

The complexity of LuaParse is due to a combination of factors:

1) I was experimenting with different writing styles at the
time, and not all the experiments were successful.

2) I was attempting to do better error recovery than just
stopping and reporting an error.

3) LuaParse is designed for visual linting and therefore
preserves comments. (This is not much of a complication
but it was a bit annoying; in many cases, a parse error
is discovered after a sequence of comments but the error
indication needs to go before them.)

4) It does enough semantic analysis to distinguish between
uses of variables and setting of variables. Really, I'd like
to do more flow analysis, but that's on the sometime-in-the-misty
future list.

Even so, it's not that much code.