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It's not on purpose, and you shouldn't count on it. You just happen to
have a relatively deterministic memory allocation stack.

If you want to access this magic number from the C side, you can do so
with lua_topointer for several (not all) of the data types. It's
extremely rare to need to do this, though; what are you using the
"magic number" for?


On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 00:48:41 +0100, PA <> wrote:
> Hello,
> (using lua-5.1-work4 on Mac OS X 10.3.7)
> Assuming the following Lua chunk:
> local aTable = {}
> print( tostring( aTable ) )
> It would seem that it always prints the same result, even between
> different VM runs:
> "table: 0x102a70"
> Is that on purpose? Or is it accidental?
> Also, how do I access this magic number? In <gasp>Java</gasp>, there is
> an handy identityHashCode() method which returns the JVM hashCode for a
> given object (usually its memory address).
> Right now, I'm <gasp>parsing</gasp> the result of tostring():
> hashCode = tonumber( string.gsub( tostring( aTable ), type( aTable
> )..": ", "" ), 16 )
> Surely, there must be a more direct way to achieve this :))
> TIA.
> Cheers
> --
> PA, Onnay Equitursay