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On Sunday 20 February 2005 9:05 am, Alysson Oliveira wrote:
> Hi group,
>    I had been tryed to install luaexpat 1.0, witch is
> work, but I can't use the function proved by Lua

if you include it as:

require "lxp.lom"

use it as lxp.lom.parse(),   not lom.parse()

if you'd like the shorter version, either move lom.lua out of the lxp 
directory, or include it as:

lom = require "lxp.lom"

the idea is that the dot ('.') in the require command creates a hierarchy, 
both in filesystem (lom.lua is in the lxp directory) and in namespace (the 
'lom' table is inside the 'lxp' library)


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