I'm embedding Lua in my application, and will only execute object code
created from luac (no parser). Memory space is very tight.
Two quick questions:
1) In 5.0, I think I just didn't include lparser.c and that removed
the parser (it's been a while). How do I do that in 5.1?
2) In trying to test out 5.1 in my application, I got a lockup. I
was doing a:
if ( luaL_loadbuffer(L,B,1069,"'..Main..'") || lua_pcall(L,0,0,0) )
However, the buffer I was passing it was compiled with Lua 5.0.
Did any opcodes change between 5.0 and 5.1? I assumed the VM
instructions were the same (bad assumption on my part?). No big
problem, just need to know. I haven't compiled luac for 5.1w5 into
this system yet. I can do it, if needed.