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Hi, I'm new to Lua, LuaInterface, and this email list.  I'm having
some trouble with LuaInterface and was hoping someone might be able to
help me out.

First problem:
I can't seem to import System.String or System.Int32:
luanet = require("luainterface")
Int32 = luanet.import_type("System.Int32")
print(Int32)                =>  nil

but all imports of objects in System.Windows.Forms and System.Drawing
seem to work fine so far.

Second problem:
luanet = require("luainterface")
Image = luanet.import_type("System.Windows.Forms.Image")
myImage = Image.FromFile( "myImage.bmp" )         =>    LuaInterface
throws an exception saying: invalid arguments to method call

The file is definitely there and I've tried it with an absolute path
and it still doesn't work.  I've also tried the absolute path in C#
and verified that it works there.

I think the problem is that lua's string is different than .NET's
string and so luainterface isn't able to determine which overload of
FromFile to use.  To troubleshoot this, I tried to import
System.String and convert it to that before passing it to FromFile,
but since that import doesn't work as described above, I'm stuck.

Any ideas?
