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Roberto Ierusalimschy ha scritto:
Good. (At least someone there will have heard about Lua :)

What I got is "Il giorno 20 giugno, alle ore 10.00 in Sala
Conferenze." Is that "Sala Conferenze" enough to define a unique
place? (I guess the address is Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano.)
no, if the Sala Conferenze is in DEI department

(The talk itself is just an overview of Lua...)
so a basic introduction? Well, anyway I'll be there

()_() | Always keep the Titanic in mind when I talk        | +----
(o.o) | about security or safety, meaning that nothin      | +---+
'm m' | is fully secure.                                   |  O  |
(___) |              raffaele punto salmaso presso libero punto it
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