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On 22-Jun-05, at 10:01 PM, Customer Support wrote:

Lua Certification - an informal discussion

I wanted to address some of the questions and comments that have come up in response to our press release on the Lua Certification exam that we have


Thanks for responding.

I'd like to say off the top that I have no strong opinion on certification programs in theory. I can see the value in certification and I can also see
the reasons some people object to them.

I do, however, have strong opinions on what constitutes good programming,
and what constitutes good Lua programming.

So it makes me nervous to see someone pop up more or less from nowhere
claiming to know enough about Lua to create a certification program. What
guarantee do I have that the tests you have developed mean anything at

I'm actually pretty skeptical about multiple-choice exams in general. If
I were hiring someone again (which appears unlikely except in some
parallel universe), I would ask them to sit down and write a program.
Whether or not they showed up with a certificate. But if I had some
reason to trust the certificator, I might use that information in
short listing.

So, if you could provide me with a sample of your Lua code, I might have
a bit more confidence in your certification program.
