Hi there,
I'm using luabind in a data conversion utility that uses lua scripts to
drive conversion, as resources are encountered that a file relies on it
recursively converts these. The problem I am having it that i'm using
lua global variables to pass information into the script but when it
gets called again from within a script (c++ side) these obviously get
overwritten so when the recursively called script is done the original
has its globals set. I think I need to do something with lua_setfenv and
LUA_GLOBALSINDEX but have got nowhere in resolving this problem as I'm
pretty much a lua noob thanks to luabind and the simpicity of the
scripts we use. The code I am using is at the end of the post.
Can anyone help me resolve this ?
std::string Driver::ProcessFile(const fs::path &inputPath, const
fs::path &outDirectory, std::string scriptPath)
// setup script global variables - just hides the manual
lua calls to set them up
luabind::object globals = luabind::get_globals(m_luaState);
globals["InputPath"] = inputPath.string();
globals["InputFile"] = inputPath.leaf();
globals["OutputDir"] = outDirectory.string();
if(lua_dofile(m_luaState, scriptPath.c_str()) != 0) {
// get the error string from the top of the stack
const char *errStr = lua_tostring(m_luaState, 0);
std::string error;
error = (boost::format("Failed executing - %s - %s") %
scriptPath % (errStr ? errStr : "Unknown failure")).str();
throw Core::Exception(error);
return m_outFilePath;
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