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varol kaptan wrote:

Thanks a lot fot the patches - they have been incorporated. I also
fixed the support for windows and added an example showing how to do
raw memory access (loading textures, etc).
Download from

And here comes another patch, for your updated version... :-)

Two main issues:

1) I used "dylib", which is the Mac OS X term for shared library.
However, it turned out that I *should* have used "bundle" instead,
which is Mac OS X speak for loadable/unloadable library - same as
Perl and Python uses for their native modules, for instance... ?

No big deal, just flip ".dylib" for ".bundle" and the GCC flag
-dynamiclib for -bundle instead (it's all been done in the patch)
I also added a note that you need to compile your Lua with support
for "dlopen", possibly by using the "dlcompat" library on Mac OS X.

2) For some bogus reason like: "it's easier with Mac .app bundles",
or something, glutInit on Mac OS X *changes the working directory* !
This makes the texture demo fail to find the PPM file next to it...
(sometimes I think they make it different on purpose, to tease us ?)

As a workaround, I moved the texture loading above the glutInit call.
I also set texture enabled by default, to show the lovely texture,
and added an "assert" around the (I used that to "debug" it)
Now works fine on Mac OS X 10.3 with Lua 5.0.2, compiled with DLOPEN.


PS. I should add the Lua package to my homepage, now that you linked it
    (as currently I only have the old Mac OS 9-based binary up there...)