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On Thursday 07 July 2005 9:33 pm, jrs wrote:
> That led quickly to a running xavante using the versions listed next  Other
> combinations may work also, I just haven't tried them.

the goal is to be able to just get 'the latest of each' and it should work.  
unfortunately, sometimes we don't update all our libraries for testing.  (i 
know i'm a bit lazy on this!)

if you've had any troubles with a more recent module, please let us know.

> The most important bits are probably using compat from cgilua and coxpcall
> from xavante rather than the more recent stand-alone versions.

that's strange... coxpcall was written for copas, and i think Xavante is the 
main user of copas... it souldn't diverge.  could it be that the Xavante 
version is more recent than the stand-alone?  i have to check...

> Here's how the directory ended up.  Confusing for Windows users, I'm sure.
> Sorry. :-)
> The symlinks into subdirectories are a consequence of how I formatted
> LUA_PATH and could be eliminated with a LUA_PATH that reflected a better
> understanding of the 5.1 package model. :-)

right; a LUA_PATH like 
"/usr/share/lua/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/?/?.lua;?.lua"  (notice the /?/?.lua) 
makes life easier

> Hopefully this will be of some assistance for the next newcomer to try
> xavante.

thanks!  do you notice any missing or lacking points in the docs?


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