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	I am not sure if this is the correct place to bring such a question: if
not, I apologise in advance.  I am trying to compile Lua Socket to give
it a try --- I believe I could make good use of the features it offers
--- however, I am getting an awfully large number of warnings, and
finally an error I cannot make any sense of.

	When I compile Lua Socket (v2.0 beta 3) I receive a large number of
warnings of the pattern ``X is a GCC extension'', before finally
receiving the following error:
		select.c: In function 'return_fd':
		select.c:169: error: impossible constraint in 'asm'
Which, to my understanding, relates to using in-line assembly.  When I
check out the related function (with macro expansion, so I can see
everything that is happening), I come across this:

static void return_fd(lua_State *L, fd_set *set, int max_fd,
        int itab, int tab, int start) {
    int fd;
    for (fd = 0; fd < max_fd; fd++) {
        if ((((set)->__fds_bits)[((fd) / (8 * sizeof (__fd_mask)))] &
((__fd_mask) 1 << ((fd) % (8 * sizeof (__fd_mask)))))) {
            lua_pushnumber(L, ++start);
            lua_pushnumber(L, fd);
            lua_gettable(L, itab);
            lua_settable(L, tab);

	The error relates to the if(FD_ISSET(fd, set)) line, however, it does
not appear to have any in-line assembly.  I am using a GCC 4.0.1
crosscompiler (arm-linux), I also tried a 3.4.1 crosscompiler and had
exactly the same problems, however, my regular (i686-linux) 3.3.5
compiler worked fine, without even a single warning.  Does anyone have
any suggestions as to how I may solve this problem and get Lua Socket to

	-- Matthew