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On Tuesday 02 August 2005 4:44 pm, Vijay Aswadhati wrote:
> The 'host firewall' is turned off. Anyways I tried using telnet and I get
> 'connect failed' message.

sounds like it never got the port open

> The log file from Xavante is not of much help; it just shows 'start' and
> 'stop' messages.

yeah, it's not very useful

> Is there any other setting I can twiddle with to get more detailed logging
> like what port number Xavante is listening to?

nope, not yet at least.

try to start it at the command line, maybe it's dying, and the error message 
might be usefull.  (or maybe not, unfortunately the copas environment mangles 
the stack unwinding used for error reporting)

i guess your configfile might not be ok.  could you send it? (privately if you 
think it's too long or inappropriate for the list)


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