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Adam D. Moss wrote:
Posti Laatikko wrote:

Since lua is intepreted language i was wondering does variables & funtions
names effect execution speed if names are long?

Nope - they're just strings which are interned and then
compared/hashed by pointer.

But technically a long string takes longer to do the initial hash, right? So I can imagine a situation where a string must be interned at runtime (constructed on-the-fly) and where you might see some runtime performance issues for long strings vs. short strings.

With that said, Lua's string hashing function is awfully efficient, so I think you would have to come up with a pretty unrealistic example to notice the difference.

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 b$`             ,$: :,`` |$$      ,`   $$` ,|` ,$$,,`"$$     .`    :$|
b$|            _m$`,:`    :$1   ,`     ,$Pm|`    `    :$$,..;"'     |$:
P$b,      _;b$$b$1"       |$$ ,`      ,$$"             ``'          $$
 ```"```'"    `"`         `""`        ""`                          ,P`
"As a general rule,don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell"'