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While I don't have a Net-SNMP binding (way too complex for what I
needed), I have a simple ANSI-C-based BER parser that could be the
basis of the "get" part of the equation. It is rough, but if you're
interested, request it off-list.


On 11/2/05, John Passaniti <> wrote:
> I am looking for either a SNMP library in Lua or a binding to an
> existing C library.  My application for this is very simple and I care
> only about GET and SET requests on integers and strings against a SNMPv1
> agent.  I don't care about being able to read MIB files and symbolically
> address OIDs.  I don't care about any exotica possible with SNMP as this
> is for communication with a fixed embedded system, not SNMP agents in
> general.
> I am aware of LuaMan, but the web page states it is for Lua 2.5, and I
> doubt it would work on Lua 5.1 without fiddling around with it.  And
> yes, I know about the Net-SNMP library (nee the Carnegie-Mellon SNMP
> library), but it would be a non-trivial effort to come up with a
> rational binding to it.
> Any suggestions anyone has will be appreciated.

If it ain't broke, break it.  How else are you going to figure out how it works?