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I know, it's always been that way. But is there really a compelling reason?

This has been niggling at the back of my mind for a while. From an implementation viewpoint, there would be no problem using a special type for keys for empty Nodes. I don't believe it would slow things down at all or complicate the code (since there is already a special type for dead keys.)

I'm motivated to ask after having glanced at <>. My little solution to his challenge (which basically involves inverting a table, although that's not the way it was phrased) looks like this:

function firstindex(vec, first, last)
  first, last = first or 1, last or #vec
  local index, retval = {}, {}
  for i = last, first, -1 do index[vec[i]] = i end
  for i = first, last do retval[i] = index[vec[i]] end
  return retval

That's not technically correct, though: vec might have a nil element in the specified range, and then line 4 will blow up. There were a couple of ways of fixing it but they all seemed to just add needless complication to a nice simple program.

Before people jump in with their fixes, here are mine:

1) Just make nils transparently code to nil, counting on the fact
   that index[nil] will return nil on the second loop

  for i = last, first, -1 do
    if vec[i] ~= nil then
      index[vec[i]] = i

2) Use a sentinel value to translate nils, in and out. 'index' itself is handy:

local function fixnil(val, sentinel)
  if val == nil then return sentinel else return val end
  for i = last, first, -1 do index[fixnil(vec[i])] = i end
  for i = first, last do retval[i] = index[fixnil(vec[i])] end

The point isn't whether there is a workaround. There are lots. The question is why the workaround is necessary. nil is certainly in the range of foo[x]; why should it not be in the domain?

If there is a good semantic reason, that's fine. I just couldn't think of one.

(By the same token, I do think NaN's should be valid keys, even if it means using the raw bitstring.)