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Chris Marrin wrote:
My use of wxLua is problematic because wxLua is different from any other Lua package I am using. It needs to have a wxWidgets App, which needs to be intimately tied to the Lua runtime. The only way I have seen to run a wxLua app is inside a console application that combines this wxApp with an embedded Lua runtime.

What solutions have others come up with to deal with this? Has anyone successfully packaged wxLua to work with the 5.1 packaging system?
LuaPlus allows require "wxLua" and is built on compat-5.1.lua, although I'm sure it doesn't conform to every packing convention. VeryMinimal.wx.lua looks (almost) like this:

require "wxLua"

   frame = wx.wxFrame( wx.wxNull,
                       "Minimal Demo",
                       wx.wxPoint(-1, -1),
                       wx.wxSize(450, 450),
                       wx.wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )

--wx.wxGetBaseApp():MainLoop()  or

It can be grabbed from Subversion:

svn co svn:// LuaPlus
