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In message <> you wrote:

> Non-synthesizability is an important option to have. What this means is
> that if you see someone has a value at point B, you know that ultimately
> that value had to have come from point A. This means you can use
> reachability analysis to prove useful things about your program.
> Some applications:
> 1. Ancillary data. Sometimes you want to have several modules attach
> data to an object, and they don't necessarily know about each other. In
> other languages where you're restricted to a string key, if both modules
> say happen to choose "", there would be a namespace collision.
> But democratic Lua actually gives you two ways to avoid this, both of
> which rely on using a table as key:
> weakTable[obj] = value
> or
> local opaqueKey = {}
> obj[opaqueKey] = value
> In either case, in order to access the attribute value, the user must
> explicitly have access to weakTable or opaqueKey respectively. They
> cannot accidentally synthesize an equivalent for those objects the
> way that can happen for value types.
> 2. Security. With some customization to the Lua environment, you can
> expand on this concept to prevent intentional collisions as well as
> accidental ones. You'd have to make sure that the user couldn't peek
> into your table using pairs() (nor the debug interfaces,etc.), but once
> you did, you could know that the user wouldn't be able to get anything
> out of your table if they didn't possess one of your keys. There are a
> variety of useful security patterns, like sealer/unsealer:
> function makeSealerUnsealer()
>     local s = {}
>     local u = {}
>     function s:seal(val)
>         return { [u]=val }
>     end
>     function u:unseal(seal)
>         return seal[self]
>     end
>     return s, u
> end
> u:unseal(s:seal(x)) == x
> which is analogous to public/private key encryption, but where we
> rely on the VM's support of closures' privacy rather than obscure
> numeric properties for security.
> (I hope this makes a case for virtualizable __pairs, btw.)

Many thanks for this Eric. I found this very clear and educational.
It deserves a piece in the Lua Tutorial on the wiki.

Gavin Wraith (
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