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I understand, someone correct me if I am wrong that on
Unix unlink will remove the file when the last user of it
closes the file. THis equals the FILEFLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE
on windows.

On windows remove and unlink require exclusive access.


On 1/15/06, Chris Marrin <> wrote:
> D Burgess wrote:
> > I would agree with leaving exec() for another day.
> > The only addition to the list that I would add is maybe unlink().
> What does unlink() do that the existing os.remove() does not?
> Posix has both a remove() and an unlink() function. The former follows
> the clib definition, i.e., it causes "the file ... to be no longer
> accessible by that name". This is the abstract equivalent of unlink() on
> a unix system, which has stated semantics that are specific to the
> various flavors of unix file system. Seems like remove() is the better
> function for cross-platform support.
> --
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