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On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:22:54PM +0100, Mike Pall wrote:
> Asko Kauppi wrote:
> > And please, only readline-enabled. Working with Lua without history
> > is a chore, and it's better people install the readline, or modify
> > Makefile, than think Lua sucks because of the command line.
> Yes, but only if readline is well supported on the target. This
> is probably the case for 99% of Linux installations. It might be
> the case for modern FreeBSD and NetBSD installations (but I guess
> not for OpenBSD). I'm not so sure every developer has already
> upgraded to Mac OS X 10.4 (let alone users).

Readline is also GPL, and Lua may not want a *mandatory* GPL dependency,
even just for the small interactive part.

Glenn Maynard