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On Feb 11, 2006, at 1:41 PM, Asko Kauppi wrote:
Why do you (want to) have the .attr section there?

Just for name-collision issues with my element-name convenience. For example:

<person name="Bob" kids="2">
		<person name="Susie" />
		<person name="Billy" />

With my parser, that becomes:
		attr = {},
		[1] = {
			attr = { name="Susie" },
			elements = {}
		[2] = {
			attr = { name="Billy" },
			elements = {}
		elements = {
			person = {
				[1] = <the 'Susie' LOM table>,
				[2] = <the 'Billy' LOM table>
		person = <the 'Susie' LOM table>
	elements = {
		kids = {
			[1] = <the 'kids' LOM table>
	kids = <the 'kids' LOM table>

Although I love the idea of putting attributes in the table itself, I decided to go the safer route so I can be sure that there will be no collisions between attributes of the element and 'meta' attributes I want convenient access to.

The [0] index as name is a neat way to avoid the collisions if you aren't going to have any other parser-generated attributes on the object, though.