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Hello all,

  I have a problem with the new version and I thought I'd drop a line
  I saw the 'LuaL_checkudata' issue (not working with negative
stack indices) has already been adressed, but my opinion remains that
when there's no problem to make the function work in that caase, I don't
see why not. I myself implemented such a version, because my software
needs it.
  The bigger problem is of another nature, though. When I implemented
a custom allocator that tracks memory leaks, I was surprised to find
that Lua doesn't free all the memory. There are leaked blocks of all sizes
divisible by 16.
  Does anyone else have this issue? Is it even possible the problem is
my code? I don't think so, because 'lua_close' should be able to free

Ivko Stanilov.