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After have trying and reading and trying I still cant get following to work (its a singleton) I'm using Lunar.h. Sorry for this long post but I really need some starting help.

class CCC
 static CCC* Instance() ;
 void Print( const char* pText ) {  }

 CCC() {}
 ~CCC() {}
 static CCC* m_pInstance ;

// Lua declaration
static const char className[];
static Lunar<CCC>::RegType methods[];

CCC( lua_State* ) ;
int getInstance( lua_State* ) ;
int print( lua_State* ) ;
} ;

CCC* CCC::m_pInstance = 0 ;
CCC* CCC::Instance()
 if ( m_pInstance == 0 )
   m_pInstance = new CCC ;
 return m_pInstance ;

// Lua implenation
const char CCC::className[] = "CCC" ;

Lunar<CCC>::RegType CCC::methods[] =
 { "getInstance", &CCC::getInstance },
 { "print", &CCC::print},
 { 0, 0 }
} ;

CCC::CCC( lua_State* L )

int CCC::getInstance(lua_State* L )
 lua_pushlightuserdata( L, Instance() ) ;
 return 1 ;

int CCC::print(lua_State* L )
const char* p = luaL_checkstring( L, -1 ) ;
Print( p ) ;
return 0 ;

// CCC is registered somewhere else with
// Lunar<CCC>::Register( pLuaState ) ;

/** Lua test code

a = CCC:getInstance()
a.print( "Hello" ) ;


I can compile without errors
but when i run my program and executes the lua.file
loaded by luaL_loadfile( L, "test.lua" ), and then lua_pcall( L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 )
i get this error when a = CCC:getInstance() is executed in script

"calling 'getInstance' on bad self (CCC expected, got table)'"

I would be really thankful for any help.
Roland Strålberg