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- Subject: Re: helper threads layer
- From: Javier Guerra <javier@...>
- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:07:04 -0500
On Thursday 09 March 2006 1:16 pm, Vijay Aswadhati wrote:
> This may be the beginning of something new and exciting!!
i hope so! either because it's accepted, or because somebody does something
much better after seeing this as a proof of concept.
> A few concrete examples would be of great help. I am particularly
> interested in how one would go about creating a singleton timer
this is precisely what i did as a testbed for the library. here's the full C
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "helper.h"
typedef struct timer_udata {
struct timeval tv;
int ret;
} timer_udata;
static int timer_prepare (lua_State *L, void **udata) {
lua_Number t = luaL_checknumber (L, 1);
timer_udata *td = (timer_udata *)malloc (sizeof (timer_udata));
if (!td)
luaL_error (L, "can't alloc udata");
td->tv.tv_sec = (int) t;
td->tv.tv_usec = (t - td->tv.tv_sec) * 1000000;
*udata = td;
return 0;
static int timer_work (void *udata) {
timer_udata *td = (timer_udata *)udata;
fd_set fd_a, fd_b, fd_c;
FD_ZERO (&fd_a);
FD_ZERO (&fd_b);
FD_ZERO (&fd_c);
printf ("before select\n");
td->ret = select (0, &fd_a, &fd_b, &fd_c, &td->tv);
printf ("after select\n");
return 0;
static int timer_finish (lua_State *L, void *udata) {
timer_udata *td = (timer_udata *)udata;
if (td->ret < 0)
luaL_error (L, strerror (td->ret));
free (td);
return 0;
static task_ops timer_ops = {
int luaopen_timer (lua_State *L);
int luaopen_timer (lua_State *L) {
helper_init ();
add_helperfunc (L, &timer_ops);
return 1;
as you can see, timer_prepare() gets the Lua parameters (a single number),
allocates a private structure and fills it with a timeval (with sec and usec
fields). timer_work() runs in the background, so it can't touch the Lua
space; it gets the timeval struct and does a select() to wait some time.
timer_finish() verifies the return value of the select(), and frees the
udata. if there was any final result (like on a read funcion), it would be
pushed in the Lua stack.
note that since it defines just a single function, it's returned in the stack
by luaopen_timer(), instead of building a package.
this is how i tested it from Lua:
require "helper"
timer = require "timer"
print ("queues:", q1, q2)
th=helper.newthread (q1, q2)
print ("thread:", th)
print ("task:", tsk)
q1:addtask (tsk)
print ("t2:", t2)
helper.finish (t2)
print ("end")
th is the helper thread. it uses q1 and q2 as input and output queues,
respectively. as soon as it's created, it tries to get a task from q1; but
since it's empty, it's blocked.
the timer() function doesn't do the 'work' immediately, it just creates and
returns a 'task' (a lightuserdata). it also calls the timer_prepare()
when the task is added to q1, the thread gets it and executes the timer_work()
function. the Lua code continues to run in the 'main' thread.
the q2:wait() function blocks until there's a task in q2. when timer_work()
ends, the task is pushed to q2 and the Lua code unblocks. t2 gets the task,
it should be equal to tsk (that's why i used lightuserdata). the
helper.finish() call gets any result (none in this example)
> instance using this package and how the main dispatch loop would
> look like in the "C" or "C++" world.
my idea is that the main dispatch loop would be Lua code, not C.
i haven't written one yet, but this would be the general idea:
wrap all functions that return a task, like this:
local _read = read
function read (file)
return helper.finish (yield (_read (file)))
and in the dispatcher:
while true do
local tsk_done = out_q:wait()
local co = coros [tsk_done]
local tsk_blk = coroutine.resume (co, tsk_done)
coros [tsk_blk] = co
in_q:addtask (tsk_blk)
> On a frivolous note, I would probably name this package as
> 'concurrency' instead of 'helper'.
i'm notoriously bad at picking names for my code... any explanation why you
think 'concurrency' is better than 'helper' ?
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