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I was surprised with all the new hex stuff in 5.1 that luaL_error still doesn't support "%X" hex numbers.  Especially when the fix is so simple.  ???

I just added it in lobject.c luaO_pushvfstring(), in the switch:

      case 'X': {
        char buff[sizeof(int)*2+3];
        sprintf(buff, "%X", va_arg(argp, int));
        pushstr(L, buff);
      case 'x': {
        char buff[sizeof(int)*2+3];
        sprintf(buff, "%x", va_arg(argp, int));
        pushstr(L, buff);

Similar to the method used with "%p".  Any chance of this making it into the official tree?  I hate maintaining tiny changes like this and would rather use a vanilla Lua source base if possible.

However, that code could be rearranged to use vsprintf to get the full printf semantics (you're already using sprintf anyway).  I mean, you're calling it from C code, it should support the whole syntax.  The code using that method would probably be even smaller than it currently is.  I mean the entire lua0_pushvfstring function would look something like:

const char *luaO_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp) {
   char *buf;
   buf = malloc(size_of_format(fmt));
   vsprintf(buf, fmt, argp);
   pushstr(L, buf);
   return svalue(L->top - 1);

Where size_of_format() could be taken from someones vasprintf implementation.

// Chris