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// in your c file
static const luaL_Reg mylib[] = {
 /* add any global functions here */

LUAELALIB_API int luaopen_mylib(lua_State *L) {
 luaL_register(L, "mylibname", mylib);
 /* The mylibname table is now on the stack; add any manipulation of that
table here. */
 return 1;
Build this file to produce your shared lib named "" (It seems to have require("mylib") work, the name of the generated shared lib  must be the same as the name in luaopen_xxx)
Then in lua script file, write :
LUA_PATH="?.so(dll)" -- Don't need to change the source code of lua core lib
require("mylib")  -- use the function registered with mylibname
Hope this can do help to you

2006/4/13, Stockdale, Daire, SOE <>:

Can anyone provide a minimalist tutorial on correct use of the "require"
and "module" functions of 5.1 please, especially with reference to
creating a native Lua module? Or direct me to one?

Lots of thanks,



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Best Regards.

Chen guo
Tongji University, China
Mobile: 13817166264