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Hi list,

I had an idea this morning, and it's worth a mail to the Lua mailing
list. Please read to the end, the idea comes at the end.

I was thinking of yet another object oriented implementation that
would roughly look like that (it's a bit long, but nothing really
interesting for now, keep reading) :

-- Yet another class implementation
function class(classname)
	return function(members) -- this is for parenthesis-less argument chaining
		local caller_env = getfenv(2) -- we will declare the class in
callers environment
		caller_env[classname] = {
			new = function()
				local object = {} -- we copy data members as is
				local methods = {} -- we put methods in object metatable's __index table
				for k,v in pairs(members) do
					if type(v)=="function" then
						methods[k] = v
						object[k] = v
				setmetatable(object, {__index=methods})
				return object

-- Let's create a class
class "CFoo"
	a = 1;
	b = 2;
	c = nil;
	amethod = function(self)
		self.c = self.a + self.b;

-- Let's instantiate an object
local obj =

Ok, tested and that works. A big drawback is that I can't declare
local classes, because getfenv returns only global environments. And
here come the idea. I thought it would be nice to be able to write :
-- Let's create a local class
local class "CFoo"
	a = 1;
	b = 2;
	c = nil;
	amethod = function(self)
		self.c = self.a + self.b;
The Lua compiler complains because there is no = signe before "CFoo".
It means that it's a possible future additionnal valid situation in
the Lua language. And what means the above block ? It can be
simplified as :
local f()
It's what I call a local function call (the call is local, not the
function). And the only difference with the normal function call, is
that inside the function, getfenv(2) returns a table of the local
variables of the caller chunk (with eventually the real environment
accessible in metatable __index of that table). That way the exact
same implementation of my class function above would do what I want.

I think it would be a nice addition to the future of Lua. I have no
idea of the possible implementation difficulties that exist in current
Lua implementation, but the principle is rather simple. What do you
think of it ?
