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Hello, I was reading the article: The Implementation of Lua 5.0 and
went through the usage of switch/case instruction dispatch preferred to direct
threaded code techniques (bound to gcc usage) for portability reasons. I thought
that conditional compilation was also key to portability more than language... I
also guess that a lot of us are building our lua interpreter with gcc. It is hard to fully understand how much it improves a real
application in the end, so I was wondering if anyone has experimented with using
these techniques instead of default lua implementation. I wished I could have
had time to do so, but… So when this proves to be a major speed improvement why not
using luaconf to detect if gcc is used, and hardware thus select the most
efficient dispatch scheme. I see in this article that trade off is actually depending
upon target hardware (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/berndl05context.html). This shall have limited impact on lua core size, and affect
mainly lvm.* and parser I guess, limiting thus the maintenance overhead… regards |