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I would like to create a table within my app that is accessable to Lua scripts that just defines some values that can't be changed.
I can get an error on __newindex, but I don't know how to stop assignments to existing entries.

How about this example from PIL:

There are no entries in the proxy, so __newindex will be fired upon
any write access.

I have PiL 2nd edition and in that it describes how to do it implement this from within a lua script itself and I have tried to implement this using the C API, but my understanding must be somewhat lacking as I can't quite get it to work.

Get it to work in pure Lua first, it's easier. Only then port it to
API code if deemed necessary.
For instance:

function createReadOnlyProxy(t)
 return setmetatable({}, {
   __index = t,
   __newindex = function() error("attempt to write read-only table") end,
   __metatable = "read-only table proxy"

function test()
 local t0 = {toto = "toto"}
 local t = createReadOnlyProxy(t0)
 local function write(t, k, v) t[k] = v end
 assert(not pcall(write, t, "toto", "titi"))
 assert(not pcall(write, t, "titi", "titi"))
 assert(type(getmetatable(t)) == 'string')
 assert(not pcall(setmetatable, t))

The optional __metatable field prevents indirect access to the
original table. For full security, you will want to run user chunks in
sandbox environments, otherwise they might use rawset to write the