Alex,The problem is that some equipment that I work are not full ansi compatible. In these cases I created an interface to allow me to port some specific codes. I did that with gzip without huge problems but I´m not sure I´ll be able to do that with LUA in a simpler way. Memory and file management are the main problem with these equipement because each of them have specific API´s to be used. Other problem is that we do not have multi-task support and I don´t know if LUA requires that.
Thanks, Clovis Alex Queiroz escreveu:
Hallo, On 6/29/06, Clóvis Garcia <clovis@phoebus.com.br> wrote:Hi,How can I find information to help me to port LUA for a specific equipment?Chances are you just need to edit the luaconf.h file to suit your needs. Lua is almost all pure ANSI C and compiles unmodified pretty much everywhere.