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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo  wrote:
Not with the official API. What are you trying to accomplish?

I am trying to find/fix  a bug in my code.

I have a 1:1 relationship between OS threads and Lua threads
and only one of the OS threads executes at a time.
I am using lua_resume(), all things start from C.
It appears that a garabge collect in thread A is causing the contents
of the thread stack in thread B to be collected.

This only happens under great stress ( a test program that creates
a million tables being executed in two different threads).

I have tables and userdata that only exist on the thread stack these
are the ones that get collected.

I was thinking that stoping the gc at a paticular code window might
solve my problem. If its stopped, I need to know it, so that I can start it

David B.