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grab mail wrote:
.lp is cool but it's not a framework. it's like going back to the good ol'
pre-framework PHP scripting style days (which i remember to be hell for

True, that's why we are moving up with Orbit.

I like Rails because
- their methods are easy to understand
- Love their activerecord migration feature
- Love the javascript code generator (it would be lovely to generate js
scripts with lua, like google's GWT)

That is reachable, but not this year... We have a prototype in the direction of ActiveRecord (the ORM part) and another in the direction of a template engine that is intentionally not Turing complete. :o)

I see that CGIlua is copying Ruby's lang? with the <% %> tags and the
CGILua:puts() method. So i see that Orb should be similar to Rails?

Orbit is just the MVC framework. Rails is a complete (and amazing) solution for web development and offers a lot more than just the MVC abstraction.

pity my lua knowledge is limited. else, i would attempt at porting a mix of
rails/solar php to lua.

Maybe you could join the Kepler Project list and help us make Orbit better. I'm afraid the Lua list is not the best place for a potentially long off topic thread like MVC for Lua.
