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Denis Povshedny a écrit :
Sorry, what do you mean with 'very buggy'? Do you have a negative
experience with luascript/luapages?

Mmm, are we speaking of the same thing?
I mean Paul Winwood's LuaScript, the ActiveScript language.

Googling around, I see a LuaScript for FIFEengine, <>, one for the Ark Project/Arkhart <> and probably some others, as the name is quite generic.

About the Windows (WSH) LuaScript, perhaps I was too hard, as I didn't tested it a lot. But IIRC, I ran a sample provided with the package and I recall it crashed or opened windows in an infinite loop or something like that, and I didn't pushed the experiments much farther.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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