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Hello first time post here,...

I am using Lua for scripting a Direct Connect Hub Server, PtokaX
( and I had been watching the lua list day to day and I
find it pretty limited, to what seems to be the evolution of a mailing list, a
forum package,...

Why hasn't there been a forum set up to host all this info and discussion?
There are certainly more abilities for the posters and nothing less than the
mailing list,.. 

Furthermore, the group will be more accessible to people than it is now since
visiting, reading, posting, searching and individual contact can be made much
more easier, since there can be categories, sub-forums (for software, libs and

A move like this one would mean an explosion in the amount of people that are
using Lua, since support and info will be more accessible to more individuals.

in the end, its all about the users,..

Best regards, George Petsagourakis (aka Herodes)