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  Hi All,
  We updated the LuaBinaries distribution with binaries for the Lua versions 5.0.3 and 5.1.1.
  What's new?
- The source code package now includes Lua makefiles modified to build the same binaries for Linux and MacOS X. There are also projects for Visual C++ 6, 7 and 8.
- "bin2c5*.exe" and "lua5*.exe" in Windows now contain support for command line globing (so you case use "lua5.1 *.lua").
- Each binary packaging is more simple with less directories. Packages for Windows use the ZIP format.
- New 64-bits Windows binaries.
  Just to remember, LuaBinaries build uses the same configuration that the standard Lua distribution uses. No changes are applied to the "luaconf.h" file. The ONLY and IMPORTANT exception is the library file name that is changed to and lua5.1.dll/lua5.1.lib.
  For those who build installation packages like MSI, RPM or DEB, please use the binaries from LuaBinaries, just repack them in the installation package format. Or if you want to rebuild use the same configuration and the same name standard. This will make the life of many Lua users and module developers easier.
  For those who build Lua binaries in other platforms following the LuaBinaries standards we would be happy to redistribute your binaries in the LuaBinaries Downloads. Also installation packages using LuaBinaries are welcome to be redistributed in the LuaBinaries Downloads.
Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri