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I'll answer for metalua:

-          what are their overhead, when used, when not used?

Compilation takes longer. Lua-compatible source code is bit-to-bit the same as the one generated by Lua 5.1 compiler (modulo some probable endianness issues), so there's no execution overhead. If you plug language extensions, well, it depends on how these extensions are written.

So short answer: if you precompile, no overhead. If you recompile on host before each run, there is a significant overhead in time and memory. The gap should narrow as Metalua matures, but it will never reach the efficiency of the well designed C compiler.

-          what are they designed for as a primary purpose?

Lua is roughly Scheme with tables instead of lists, a nice syntax, and no macros. Metalua aims at removing the no-macro restriction.

-           what can be done with them?

What you want! More precisely, you can execute arbitrary code at compilation, typically to generate pieces of source and splice them with the user-written sources. You can manipulate sources globally, through +{ ... } quasi-quotes, or directly as AST ( i.e. syntax trees, essentially the same as Lisp's sexps). A library to ease navigation and global manipulation of syntax trees is under development.

-           what can not  be done with them?

Well, you can do whatever you want with a Turing-complete language. However, there are some stuffs that would require significant developments to do with Metalua:

- Target a different architecture than Lua VM. This include extending the VM in any way.

- Create a language syntax that doesn't comply with Lua syntactic style (i.e. mostly keyword-driven, simple, clear, non-ambiguous). You would probably have to implement parser combinators' backtracking, which is not very difficult per se, but would be hard to make efficient, tends to give unhelpful error diagnostics, and encourages people to create perl-esque unmaintainable syntaxes. Actually, I consider this restriction a feature, not a bug.

- plugging a substantially different lexer (but that will be fixed soon). That would be reader macros in Lisp's terminology.

A good reason to prefer a preprocessor over Metalua is when you only want to implement simple, local syntax sugar: then, it might not be worth getting used to deal with meta-levels, the grammar generator, and the Metalua parser.

Another good reason is that token filters seem rather mature; Metalua is still alpha, and will remains so for months at least.

-           what can be done more efficiently (space and speed) with one and another?

In both cases, overhead happens only during compilation. I'd guess that token filters are faster and easier to learn, but it's hard to build non strictly local extensions with them (unless you add token_stream -> AST and AST -> token_stream converters, but that would be essentially reimplementing Metalua in a clunky way). However, I didn't any benchmark, and don't plan to do any in the short term.

-          what are the risks of multiplying lua idioms?

Whatever can't be compiled with the vanilla Lua 5.1 compiler must not be called Lua sources. Proper taxonomy is important.

The lack of semantic stability of Lisp programs is Lisp's greatest strength, but it's also probably one of the main reasons why it hasn't been adopted as widely as expected. I tried to limit this issue in Metalua by encouraging a clear separation of meta-levels and the respect of some syntactic homogeneity, but the problem won't disappear. At least you have to explicitly load your extensions from within the source file, so when looking at a source file you know what language variant it's written in...

Whenever you want many developers to collaborate efficiently, you need rigorous (and smart) coding practices, so that the code is universally intelligible within the dev team. Macros give developers much more power: that's great, but it requires stronger policies for teamwork. And by "the team", I mean not only the initial developers, but also the maintainers, the forkers of an open source projects, etc.

I guess that some ergonomics study about how to encourage such sane practices would be important. I mean, even microsoft starts considering macros for future C# versions...