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Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:

Agree! It could be blessed in the way the the official lua developers
take the lead. Set up a link on front web page (or some where else, very
visible) "here you find the standard libs we are working on".

How do CPAN work? Do the libraries there have any blessing from the
Benevolent Dictator for Life?

CPAN (and pretty much every other such project for every other language) has become a catch-all for many imagined, started, buggy, discarded, and
some very good modules.

So instead of hunting all over the Internet, you end up hunting in
CPAN. You still have to grab the code that looks like it might fit,
try it, work it into your architecture, and google newsgroups for others
with more experience.

I think that what I'm saying is that the cream tends to float to the

Tcl/tk has a more or less standard set of libraries that are in general
use. The Kepler project seems to be headed that way as they are trying
to get everything to run with 5.1 now.
