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Sure, that is his problem to solve out.  I gave some pointers already privately.

What is worth noticing, though, is not all Linuxes have the readline headers there, it seems. The Lua 5.1 makefile expects they do.

I've got no perfect solution to this; in fact I'd like the macosx target to default to readline. 10.4 has it always.


Gé Weijers kirjoitti 31.12.2006 kello 23.51:

Usually this problem is caused by a missing development package. readline-devel perhaps?

On Dec 31, 2006, at 7:08 AM, Asko Kauppi wrote:

His problem was, that readline is not available on his CentOS4 Linux by default (I wonder why...)

Maybe worth a note by the Lua authors somewhere, then again any person using an esoteric Linux variant should be knowledgable to take the burden then, too. Or else go ubuntu... :)


Peter Odding kirjoitti 31.12.2006 kello 0.41:

if i use make linux, it failed with something like missing files...
but if i use make generic, it work.
is it normal?

I'm only guessing because you didn't include the error message (hint), but this might have to do with different (default) include paths? You can also try running "make echo" and comparing outputs.

Gé Weijers