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One thing to keep in mind about LPEG, it's not just "another pattern-matching library" on par with regular expression parsers and string manipulation libraries.

LPEG is (or is on its way to be) a full /Parsing Expression Grammar/ library, fully capable of expressing and implementing Grammars, as well as Regular Expressions. RegExps are very limited kinds of pattern languages (typically limited to recognizing lexical tokens).

RegExps cannot express the much more complex syntax of Context Free Grammars (CFGs), Context Sensitive Grammars (CSGs), and Parsing Grammars (PGs, aka PEG: Parsing Expression Grammars).

PEGS are a kind of context-sensitive grammar, which are a proper superset of CFGs, which in turn are a superset of RegExps.


If any of you haven't already done so, and you have an interest in or need for the broader applications of Grammars over RegExps, check out Roberto's LPEG pages and Bryan Ford's PEG pages:

// Brian

Philippe Lhoste wrote:

Funnily, I recently thought it would be nice to have a real pattern-matching language, that would be more flexible and more readable, with a gentler learning curve than regular expressions. I am not too sure about the readability of LPeg... But it is close of what I had in mind.

I didn't knew this PEG technology, it looks very promising.
Now that I master regular expressions, I have to learn a new syntax and even more new concepts/way of thinking...