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Using the Microsoft compiler I get a ton of size conversion warnings.
Most 'size_t' to 'int' type warnings and a few 'lua_Integer' to 'int'.
Nothing critical but the rest of the Lua code compiles clean in this

Doing some testing with very simple grammers I found them to be about
twice as slow as the equivalent regular expression in Perl.   I know
this is still very early, can we expect performance inprovements or is
this about as fast as it gets?

I think an interesting extra addition to this library would be a
grammer that can parse "normal" PEG grammers from a string into a LPeg

Seems like a very promising addition to Lua, thanks!


On 1/3/07, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
I have just released LPeg 0.2. No big changes for now...

- Several small corrections (thanks for all who sent suggestions!!).

- Handles embedded zeros like any other character.

- Capture "name" can be any Lua value. (Not very exciting per se, but
sets the tools to embed arbitrary Lua values into patterns.)

- Unlimited number of captures.

- match gets an optional initial position.

-- Roberto