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Natanael Copa wrote:
At least they have for both windows and posix. Other people (like me)
only talk and don't do anything.

I fear to be in category too... ;-)

It seems that the biggest strike against the "ex" API is the fact that it integrates into the Lua io and os namespaces. It seems many people feel that this may cause too much confusion for new Lua users.

Yes. Exactly. If i want file system function, then i'd like to load the
file system module. If I want process handling, then load the process
module. I know where my funcs come from, I know where to look for

Can you give any examples of other programming languages that does
something similar? inject functions into other namespaces?

My understanding is that Lua authors has put most functions in tables (namespaces) precisely to avoid clashes. If two people use the same table name (same namespace), there is a risk of one function hiding another of same name. The risk is higher if the functionalities are similar (which is probable if the namespaces are identical) and even more if using one of the official namespaces!

Using such space should be done only with official blessing, as you stated.

Just my 0.02€...

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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