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On 19-Jan-07, at 9:31 PM, Jérôme VUARAND wrote:
2007/1/19, Raymond Jacobs <raymondj@gmail.com>:int idx=LUA_GLOBALSINDEX; lua_getfenv(l,idx); while(lua_next(l,idx)!=0) { const char* key=lua_tostring(l,-2); //get value at -1 index and check type of it//do somthing with key and value based on type of value //if value is a table call this function again to traverse it, thencontinue here lua_pop(l,1); }You forget to push an initial nil on the stack before entering you while loop (see lua_next documentation example).
He did push a nil, although I suspect it was not by design:
int idx=LUA_GLOBALSINDEX; lua_getfenv(l,idx);
Since tables don't have environments, lua_getfenv() will do the job.By the way, be careful with recursively enumerating tables; if there's a circular reference, you'll find yourself running off the end of the C stack. (And, since _G._G == _G, there is such a circular reference in the standard globals table.)