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I was contemplating a small lua exercise, a program for listing my currently vim'ed files a'la

local s,e,c,r,line,file,modified,pid,running
local fd = io.popen("sh -c 'vi -r 2>&1'", "r")

while (line = fd:read("*line")) do
   if s,e,c = string.find(line, "^ *file name: ([%w%p]*)") then
       file = c
   elseif s,e,c = string.find(line, "^ *modified: (%a*)") then
       modified = c ~= "no"
   elseif s,e,c,r = string.find(line, "^ *process ID: (%d*)(.*)") then
       pid = c
       running = string.find(r, "(still running)", 1, true) ~= nil

       if file && modified then
           io.write(string.format("%d %8d%s %s", modified and 1 or 0,
                                  pid, running and "*" or " ", file)
       file = nil
       running = nil

Obviously this will not work, since assignments are not expressions in lua,
nor is there any way of embedding assignment in expressions

Is there an easy way around this that i missed. Is this even a candidate for the FAQ

Best /Flemming*