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**Sorry for my bad English. **

Good day.

I'm trying to call a function declared inside a lua table, from my code in "C". This is my lua code:

textos =
 textoSair = "Aperter ESC para sair a qualquer momento",
 textoEnter = "Aperte enter para jogar"

variosCirculos2 =
function ()
 for X=1, 30 do Circulo(X * 10,X * 10,X * 5,X * 10,X * 5,0); end

relogio =
function ()

 ty = ty + 2;
 tx = tx + 5;



So, how can I call the functions 'variosCirculos2" or "relogio" from C? This is the code that I use to call Lua functions:

void ScriptInterface::CallFunction(char *funcName)
lua_getglobal(L, funcName);
if(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
cout << "Erro ao chamar função: "
<< lua_tostring(L, -1)
<< endl;

Thanx for the atention.